O fotografie inseamna o clipa. Un moment. Acel moment: bucurie, tristețe, mirare, regăsire, fericire sau melancolie – oricum ar fi, fotograful il surprinde si il lasa amintire.
Despre amintiri vrem sa va vorbim noi, prin imagini. Despre acele momente speciale pe care vreti sa le pastrati mereu vii in fata voastra.
Oferim servicii de fotografie de familie, pentru evenimente, sedinte foto pre sau post-wedding sau corporate.
Pentru orice intrebari nu ezitati sa ma contactati.
Marius Sabau
+4 0729 699 611
A photo means a moment. One moment. That moment: joy, sadness, wonder, regrouping, happiness or melancholy – anyway, the photographer surprises him and lets him as a memory.
About memories we want to talk to you through pictures. About those special moments that you always want to keep in front of you.
We offer family photo services, for events, pre or post-wedding or corporate photo sessions.
For any questions do not hesitate to contact me.
Marius Sabau
+4 0729 699 611